速報APP / 通訊 / Androwser PRO Multiview Brows.

Androwser PRO Multiview Brows.





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Trav. de Gracia 198, 4-2 08012 - BARCELONA SPAIN

Androwser PRO Multiview Brows.(圖1)-速報App

Androwser PRO: Multiview Web Browser without Ads is a new concept of multiview Web browser, specially designed for mobile and tablets to quickly view and configurate your bookmarks.

Androwser PRO Multiview Brows.(圖2)-速報App

Idea comes from the need to visualize and compare the newspapers, loading them all at once and quickly also it can be used as a complement to bookmarks to your default browser in the mobile or tablet (as can be Chrome).

Androwser PRO Multiview Brows.(圖3)-速報App

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Androwser PRO Multiview Brows.(圖4)-速報App